Stray Dog Found Curled Up In Snow Keeping Orphaned Kittens Warm

One heroic stray dog saved the lives of a litter of orphaned kittens by keeping them warm and cuddling them.
Heroes do exist, and many of them are not human. Animals often display a strong sense of affection and care, and it is their pure, selfless nature that urges them to help others when in trouble.
One cold day in November, one man spotted a shivering stray dog on the snowy roadside. He soon realized that she was not alone, as she has wrapped herself around a group of tiny, shivering, orphaned kittens.
He knew that the dog didn’t want to leave the poor kittens completely on their own, so she was cuddling with them to keep them warm and safe!
The five kitties would have certainly frozen to death if the friendly dog wasn’t there to take care of them. Not willing to simply leave them, the man decided to take them to the Pet and Wildlife Rescue shelter.
A shelter spokesperson said:
“It’s truly heartwarming! It had been a very cold night so these kittens would have had a very hard time surviving.”
As the kittens required constant attention, during the whole time, volunteer foster parents took care of them and made sure they received proper nutrition and supervision.

The caring dog was named Serenity. She revealed her one-of-a-kind personality, and apart from being so loving, protective, and caring, she is also a very playful dog.
Even though she is approximately 2 years old, she has the energy of a puppy. She was never trained, spayed, or socialized, and she behaves like a dog who never had a proper home.

Moreover, during the entire treatment, she insisted on overseeing the kittens’ progress by regularly visiting them!
What an adorable creature! She taught us all a valuable lesson!
Serenity did what was right at the time. If we all follow her example, we could save millions of lives and surely make a difference.
Unfortunately, millions of kittens and cats live on the streets, and the majority of them don’t have the same luck to be saved by a human or dog. It is not possible to accurately study the number of stray cats or dogs living on the street.
If you visit any major city, you will surely see a lot of stray animals that fight for survival on a daily basis.
Yet, it is possible to study the number of pets that live in shelters in the U.S.
Here are some statistics that you might consider:
— Every year, 6.5 million pets end up in shelters
— 1.5 million of them get killed every year, and only 3.2 million are adopted
— 3.3 million spend their lives in shelter cages or are euthanized
We can all find a way to help animals in need, and here are a few tips:
— When you plan to get a pet, it is best to adopt one from a shelter
— You need to remember that you should stay committed to your pet, and not surrender them or rehome them
— To prevent overpopulation and homelessness, you should spay or neuter your pet
— If you could afford it, donate to a local animal shelter. Try to find time to volunteer as well.